I’d love to get away more often, but…

I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a sentence start with that. In fact I only heard it this week again from a total stranger who was asking how often we get away in our caravan. My response was ‘as often as we can, it just takes a little forward planning’.  Seriously, if you are someone that has made that statement think about what is stopping you from enjoying your caravan, camper trailer or tent more often, and start making the change.

Ok up until now in the southern states, maybe winter has had a lot to do with the lack of motivation but the days are slowly on the improve, we’re busting out of our hibernation and looking to jump into spring so there’s no better time than now to pull out the calendar and make plans. So what’s your excuse?

No time: even if you only have a weekend ahead of you there is time to have a mini break.  If you pack or prepare during the week you can be hitting the road after work on a Friday afternoon or at worst Saturday morning and getting away. Look at a calendar plan for the closest next possible weekend you have spare and commit to going somewhere, contact some friends and if they are free all the better. There’s no better way to spend catch up time with friends and family.

It’s too far: again I think if you look up a map of where you are living and look at a radius of an hour or two from home you will find a heap of destinations to discover. Sometimes the best getaways can be close to home, an area that you have taken for granted and never really explored. Try the Wikicamps app for ideas.

It’s too expensive: One or two nights at a caravan park, especially at off peak times could really be worth the time you get to spend with family or friends – what price do you put on that? Work to live! But also look at what free camp areas are out there, you may be surprised how many there are and what peace you can have with very little.  As for food, just raid the fridge or freezer at home, you don’t have to eat out, take what you would have prepared at home anyway.  Caravan parks have BBQ’s and most have camp kitchens these days where you can prepare and cook your food without having to cart a lot of gear.

I can’t leave the dog: Take them with you! At off peak times caravan parks are more open to bringing the pooch, look for those that are pet friendly or again try the free camping idea. If you put pet friendly holidays or camping with dogs into a google search you can find plenty of inspiration.

That’s it for me! I can’t think of any other reason why its not a good time to go away again or at least get those plans on the go. I think I’ve got the rest of the year sorted, how about you?




9 thoughts on “I’d love to get away more often, but…

  1. We had an unusual fireside chat recently that I’ve been trying to build a post out of without exposing who the people are. But my friend and I were slurping a $5 bubble and chatting to a lady who said that they wanted to get away more but their wines had won a few awards and it had held them back from caravanning. Knowing the town they were from I got a sneaking suspicion and called on Dr Google and sure enough they supply the grapes for a particularly sensational award winning wine. Certainly the best in Aus if not the world and the asking price is $200 per bottle and having tasted it (before the price rose) it is worth every cent and sip. You never know who you’ll meet out there and yes I think she had a valid excuse for not getting away much.

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